Monday, 28 September 2009

Anyone for a revolution?

Some images from our second entry to the EJC competition. Please read the entry here, and leave a comment, start a debate. We should discuss the ordinary Indian citizen's point of view at this international forum.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Will COP 15 change anything?

TH!NK2 Climate Change is a 3 month blogging competition with a focus on UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP15) in December 2009. Some 90 bloggers from 43 countries, including all 27 EU Member states, India, China, Brazil and the USA, the world's biggest players in climate policy, will come together on the European Journalism Centre's platform, to exchange ideas and debate the issues of climate change.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Find out if you have the virus. Take the Bhopal Gas Tragedy test.

Click on the image to enlarge it, and take the test.

Shri Ramesh says: the greenery around the abandoned premises of Union Carbide was better than most other places, and asked “Would it have been (so) with all the toxicity around?” Hope Mr. Ramesh is aware tht even Chernobyl site is teeming with nature but still not fit for humans

“I went inside today, touched toxic material and I am alive. I am not
coughing,” Jairam Ramesh on visiting Union Carbide Factory in Bhopal.
He also "advised" 25 years after thetragedy, it was time to move on. Really?

Here's the latest report from Center for Science and Environment which shows just how contaminated the water and soil is, in Bhopal.

International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal:

Reports in Hindu:

Times of India:

Indian Express:

Frontline story about TATA and Dow:

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Paint it black

Click on the image to enlarge and read.

You have been saying a couple of things about this blog.
You say, this is too pessimistic.
You say, tell us the solutions.
You say a lot and don't do much.
Alright. Here's a deal. We are going to tell you what to do about the fact that the food you are eating is poisoned by genetically modified ingredients.
And we are going to tell you about what to do about the toxic paint you have been putting on your walls.
But first, you must know about these two things in detail.
Here's the first one. About food.
And then number two.

And now, what to do. Let's make this simple. You know the culprit brands. You are too lazy to write to the ministry. So here's what you can do in one easy step.
Boycott these products.
Surely, you don't want to bring home poison and feed it to yourself and your kids. Or, are you o.k doing it?

Now, don't start whining.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

A call to arms

Click on the image to enlarge.

Will anything positive come out of Copenhagen? The answer is a well known one. It is a resounding "no!". Even as you read this, powerful lobbies are at work, stuffing governments with money and ill-logic. By December, all the selling and dealing will be done. And there will be no remarkable solution, no powerful legislation. Just empty promises.
Then why are we fighting?
Because Copenhagen is not about the government and not about the lobbyists. It is about us. 6 billion of us. It is about making each one of us aware and informed about the dangers we agce as a planet. So we can say NO and STOP to the industries and the businessmen and the governments.
There is no army, no government, no lobby in the world that can stop 6 billion voices.
This is a call to arms.
Talk about the issues that face us. Discuss them. Spread the word. And start making a stand. If we are to die, let us do that with honour. And not with carbon footprints on our faces. That is an ugly death.

Here are a few links that will tell you how to get involved. Click on each to know and see some amazing things.

And here is a countdown clock to Copenhagen. Which you can download from here.

And if you have any doubts, watch a 13 year old speak: