Let’s switch off the lights
There seems to be nothing left to see here anymore. That the unsustainable mining is destroying the country and its ecology and its people has nothing to do with climate change.
That we are killing people so we can “mine happiness” has nothing to do with climate change.
That the tigers being hunted for Chinese libido has nothing to do with water scarcity has nothing to do with climate change.
That Coca-Cola destroying the groundwater has nothing to do with climate change.
That Monsanto is trying to sell GMOs in the name of climate change has nothing to do with climate change.
That our corrupt government officials are trying to introduce a Biotech Bill which will take away our right to protest, our food security has nothing to do with climate change.
That we are destroying our agriculture and then inviting companies like Monsanto to take over has nothing to do with climate change.
That while in the International Year of Biodiversity we are propagating GMOs which will destroy biodiversity and lead to monoculture has nothing to do with climate change.
That several hundred million villages in India go without electricity every day and that clean coal is being touted as the panacea to cure that problem has nothing to do with climate change.
Let’s switch off the lights.
And let us all feel glad that we did our bit for the environment.
Last heard Gurgaon in Haryana, India celebrated Earth Hour for 14 hours on March 22, 2010