Sunday 5 July 2009

All that you wanted to know about GM Crops but were too unconcerned to ask.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Let’s play a little game.
Let us give you a bumper crop or two and make you rich for a while. In exchange, we will only control your food industry, your farming and agriculture.
No, this isn’t a game called SUCKERS, this is the reality of GM Crops.

If your crop fails, buy more seed from us. Sell something and buy it. Your house, your land. Sell it. C’mon.
Didn’t we tell you, GM Crops are seedless. We control them. You will have to buy them from us again and again.
And when pests develop resistance to them, we will sell you another improved version!
So goodbye to small farmers and hello to corporations. Five or so companies will control the food supply of this planet. Including your country.

The company which controls GM Crops is a company called Monsanto. Yes, the same company behind such amazing inventions such as Agent Orange.
Agent Orange is the code name for an herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military in its Herbicidal Warfare program during the Vietnam War.
4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children born with birth defects.

Oh but you don’t care. You are a city slicker and why would you bother about farmers? Did we ever tell you about genetic pollution and how easily it would affect your health? Why should we? Google it and it’s all there.

Here is a little video of someone you don’t pay much attention to. Only if you did. Oh, only if you did, our sale would never take off.

Here are a few links that if you bother to read will make you aware of our nasty little plan. Don't say we didn't tell you.

Why are farmers committing suicide and how can we stop this tragedy?

Biotechnology has failed in the world, so why promote it here?

And a couple of links on how Monsanto swindled India with the 'magic' Bt Cotton.

Since this post was written, there have been remarkable developments. Monsanto recently admitted that BT Cotton has developed resistance to bollworms. So they are now selling a new version! More in this TOI report:


  1. you are doing a brilliant job with such sad state of affairs! keep up the good work!

  2. I must say... this is a brilliant attempt from ur side to save our country's already dying agricultural potential !! but I personally think that this needs to be propagated, as in some posters, some collaboration with environmental magazines or simply posting this site's link to as many sites possible ( which i am doing on my profile now ). And this should not just end here... u need to take consensus of maximum number of people so as to get things across our ignorant authorities (Mr jairam)...One such example [] and I urge all of u who read this comment, kidly sign up to green idol...coz when we can bring about a change, then WHY NOT ? :) !

  3. Brilliant! As a biotechnologist i can say that the GM crops have so much potential if used in the correct way and not as Monsanto uses it. It can really help farmers in the long run, but care must be taken such that they do not fall victim to the big companies. and its high time that Indian companies start maifacturing GM crops if at all GM is the way to go. The point is American giants such as Monsanto fail to understand the conditions governing agriculture and crop grwoth in India and hence the massive fail of GM crops in India including the hallowed BT cotton which is actually doing quite well in the States.. the future of GM crops is very volatile at the moment and great care should be taken by the Government to protect the farmers and the common man

  4. Here are two articles which may be useful.
    One is about how the policies are being drafted to force people to grow the GM Crops:

    And one in which renowned Indian scientist says how dangerous GM Crops are:

    Have a read.
